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Thursday, 4 July 2013

When There Is Life,There is Hope;Hold On- Sue Motivates.

People who have lost hope view life from the perspective of dread. Dread, which is closely related to fear, steals the ability to enjoy ordinary life and makes people anxious about the future. It keeps them from looking forward to the next hour, the next day, the next month, or the next decade.

Their thoughts about the present are negative and their outlook on the future is filled with fear, pessimism, doubt, and worry.

Hope, on the other hand, is the opposite of dread and it is the close relative of faith. When we have hope, our outlook on life and the future is positive. We can have hope because we trust in God's love, His power to provide for us and His ability to lead us in every situation.

Hope keeps us from worrying, allows us to leave our unanswered questions in Gods hand, empowers us to stay at peace and enables us to believe the best about the days to come. People with hope are very happy, optimistic, and full of strength and courage.

Hope is such a powerful force, the enemy goes after it with vengeance, If he can steal your hope, he can set you on the path towards total despair and depression - and that's his intention. He will put negative thoughts in your mind such as:

*you have always been this way. You will never change.
*you might as well settle in these entry-level job, because you will never be smart enough to get a promotion.
*your children will never amount to anything.
*you will never own your own home.
*you will never get out of debt.

If you read these statements carefully,you will notice they have a common thread running through them: self pity and negativity.
Hope is always available to us. When
we feel defeated, we need only take a
deep breath and say, "Yes," and hope
will reappear -Monroe Forester

I encourage you this moment to be determined to not waste one more day of your life in self pity, negativity and fear.
Remember that when there is life,there is hope.

Love Always

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