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Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Becoming A Better You By Joel Osteen - Sue Reads

Hello guys

The first book I would love to share is a book by one of my mentors Joel Osteen.

The name of the book is "Becoming a better you".The book is divided into seven parts, which together are sure to improve your life every day.

In the book,joel explain what it takes to become a better you...please read below

“What does it mean to become a better you? First, you must understand that God wants you to become all that He created you to be. Second, it is imperative that you realize that God will do His part, but you must do your part as well.”

In the book joel osteen futhure explained that. In order to become a better you, you must following the seven steps:
1. Keep pressing forward
2. Be positive toward yourself
3. Develop better relationships
4. Form better habits
5. Embrace the place where you are
6. Develop your inner life
7. Stay passionate about life

Each step is broken into several chapters and each part ends with a series of Action Points intended to give the reader concrete steps to tak to improve his life. It is, frankly, a lot like every other self-help book on the market today, but with one crucial difference—this one is built, supposedly upon the Bible.

If you have read the book before,what do you think about the book?

Let's discuss.

Love Always

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