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Thursday, 20 June 2013

Adeboye Inaugurates U.S R.C.C.G camp- Updates

Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) inagurated the North American Redemption Camp in Greenville,Texas on wednesday.

He also ordained Pastors, assistant Pastors, Deacons and Deaconesses and presented certificates to graduates of the RCCG North America seminary and Bible College.

The None million seat capacity camp, with an initial 10,000 seats, is said to be the largest Nigerian own church auditorium in the U. S.

It is located on over 800 acres of land acquired by the RCCGNA
The camp already has an administrative building that houses the headquarters of the church and when fully completed ; it would also have a number of buildings including housing estates, fish farm, schools and a university.

The inauguration coincided with the church’s 17th Annual Convention with the theme “Double Portion’’.

Congratulations to the R.C.C.G team

Love Always

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